Ziv Epstein

Recent Graduate

Ziv Epstein (he/him) is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, where he works with Michael Bernstein, and Johan Ugander.

In his research, Ziv seeks to bring a (more-than-)human-centered approach to the design of sociotechnical systems. In particular, he focuses on translating insights from design and the social sciences into the development of generative AI and social media platforms. How do we move away from an attention economy, and towards an attention ecology?

Outside of the lab, he likes exploring extreme environments and building geodesic domes.

He has published papers in venues such as the general interest journals Nature, Science and PNAS , as well as top-tier computer science proceedings such as CHI and CSCW. His work has also received widespread media attention in outlets like the New York Times, Scientific American, and Fast Company.

Finally, Ziv is also a practicing multimedia artist whose work has been featured in Ars Electronica, the MIT Museum, and Burning Man.