MIT Connection Science News: New Papers and Student Videos

April 6, 2020

MIT Connection Science News
April 6, 2020

New Research

  1. ​"Effect of social distancing measures in the New York City metropolitan area", Michiel Bakker , Alex Berke , Matt Groh , Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland , and Esteban Moro
  2. "Effectiveness of social distancing strategies for protecting a community from a pandemic with a data-driven contact network based on census and real-world mobility data,David Martín-Calvo, Alberto Aleta, Alex Pentland, Yamir Moreno, Esteban Moro
  3. "Social Contract 2020: An MIT Connection Science Perspective," Alex Pentland

​New Video Demos

  1. "Segregation and Polarization in Urban Areas", Alfredo Morales  [paper]
  2. "Understanding and Reducing the Spread of Misinformation Online", Ziv Epstein [paper]


  1. Forbes, "Rebooting the Global Economy"
  2. NBC Chicago, "Privacy in a Pandemic: What Experts Want you to Know".